The Difference Between “Material” and “Immaterial” Contract Breaches

April 10, 2023

Running a business involves developing ties with other people and business entities. Of course, you need customers, but you will also often need suppliers, service providers, and professional assistance. In other words, to keep your business operating, you will need to forge agreements to help you in the operation of your business. These agreements will usually be a contract, whether it’s oral or in writing. 

A contract requires both parties to live up to what’s been agreed upon. For instance, you, as a retail store operator, would most likely have to enter into contracts with suppliers to bring you the products to sell. In return, you generally must pay them for those products. The contract the two of you agree to requires both sides to fulfill their obligations.   

For example, Supplier A must deliver 100 widgets every other Tuesday, but suddenly the shipment stops. This can be considered a breach of contract as the vendor failed to deliver the goods. However, the supplier contacts you and says that due to weather conditions, the shipment will be delayed until the week after. Is this still a breach?   

In legal terms, there are immaterial or minor breaches and material breaches. A week’s delay would no doubt be considered an immaterial breach, but if the shipments stopped altogether or for a substantial period of time and put your business in jeopardy, that would be considered a material breach. Material breaches can lead to lawsuits if not resolved in negotiations. 

If you’re involved in a contract dispute in or around Troy, Michigan, contact me at the Redmond Law Group. I am a business attorney with extensive knowledge of contracts, and their enforceability, and will help you resolve the situation, even if it requires courtroom action. I also proudly represent clients throughout Oakland and Macomb counties, Michigan.

Contract Law in Michigan

An oral contract carries the same weight as an express or written contract. The problem is, if matters do end up in court, both parties may have different recollections – or versions – of what was agreed upon. A well-crafted express contract is always the best way to go. 

Under Michigan law, several elements are required for a contract to be valid. First, there must be an offer and acceptance. Using the above example, the storeowner orders 100 widgets every other Tuesday. and Supplier A agrees to do so. Then there must be what is called consideration. The storeowner must offer something in return for the widgets, a cash transfer, in most cases. 

Mutuality of obligation is another consideration. This means that the contract cannot be one-sided, favoring one party overwhelmingly over the other. For instance, you can’t offer one dollar for 100 widgets, which has cost the supplier hundreds or thousands of dollars to make.   

Finally, there must be competency and legality. You cannot enforce a contract to sell illegal drugs or contraband, for instance. Also, both parties must be 18 or older and be of sound mind. If you agree to a contract under duress or while you’re intoxicated, competency to do so would be lacking.

Material vs. Immaterial Breaches

As noted, a breach occurs when one party fails to live up to its agreed-upon obligation. Also, as discussed, breaches can be major or minor, material or immaterial. Generally speaking, an immaterial breach is not something that would end up in litigation but would require negotiations or at least discussions between the parties. Say Supplier A delivers only 50 widgets because of supply chain issues. He is doing his best to live up to the contract. That could be considered minor.

Now, if Supplier A finds someone who will pay more for the widgets and quits delivering to you, the storeowner, then you would have suffered a material breach, which could definitely lead to legal action. This brings up another aspect of a material breach. It generally involves a financial loss for one of the parties involved, while an immaterial breach might just cause a disruption or momentary interruption in business operations.

Retain Skilled Representation and Advocacy

When a contractual agreement goes wrong, you should seek legal counsel immediately. Even what may seem like a minor breach can morph into a major one if you don’t take action quickly. If you’re in or around Troy, Michigan, contact me at the Redmond Law Group.   

I will assess the situation with you and advise you of your best options going forward. I can help you negotiate a resolution or even take matters to court if necessary. Reach out with all your questions and concerns about the contracts you’re involved in, or intend to be involved in.

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November 28, 2023
Nov. 28, 2023  It’s relatively easy to form a general partnership in Michigan. There are no papers to file or licenses to obtain from the state, but the locality where you intend to conduct business may well impose licensing, permitting, and zoning requirements. While you and some of your friends, family members, or associates may shake hands to form a partnership to market widgets, there are still many details to be ironed out. For instance, who among the partners is going contribute what? Are all just going to ante up a share of the start-up costs, or is one or more partners going to contribute in another way, perhaps through professional expertise? Who is going to manage operations, everybody together or through a kind of managing agreement over who does what? Then, in drawing up the partnership agreement—which should be in writing and agreed to by all the partners—you also must address the issue of what happens if one partner wants out. Does that mean the partnership ends with that person’s departure? In other words, if you create a partnership without an overall partnership agreement addressing the full range of issues that might arise during the course of the partnership’s existence, you might indeed find yourself in a corner, where the departure—or demands—of one partner may well sink the whole enterprise. It’s the Boy Scouts’ motto writ large—“Be prepared.” If your partnership in or around Troy, Michigan, is facing the possibility of one partner departing, and thus leaving the fate of the partnership in question, reach out to The Law Offices of Barton Morris . I have helped countless others draw up agreements and contracts to protect their rights and interests, and I can advise you too, whether you have a written agreement or just a few handshakes. I also proudly serve clients throughout Oakland and Macomb counties.
November 9, 2023
Nov. 9, 2023  One of the more sensitive topics when it comes to firearm laws has to do with mental health and gun rights, and specifically what mental illnesses prohibit you from having a gun. This can be fairly complicated to address because both federal and state regulations come into play with gun rights. If you have questions about this topic or are concerned about your own rights to own a gun, call me at the Redmond Law Group for help in Troy, Michigan, and throughout Oakland County and Macomb County.
October 3, 2023
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August 30, 2023
Aug. 30, 2023  If you carry a firearm in Michigan, it’s essential that you know and fully understand Michigan’s gun laws. Knowing the laws can be invaluable if you have an encounter with police while you are carrying a firearm. If issues arise, it’s also important to seek advice and representation from an attorney. If you need help after an encounter with law enforcement while carrying a firearm, call me, Ian Redmond , at Redmond Law Group in Troy, Michigan. I can help you understand your gun rights and represent you if you’ve had an encounter with the police.
July 27, 2023
July 27, 2023  If you possess a firearm or intend to possess a firearm in the future, it’s imperative that you stay informed about your rights and responsibilities. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others, and you should know your rights around carry restrictions—including some notable exemptions. If you require a Second Amendment attorney, call me, Ian Redmond, at Redmond Law Group , serving Troy, Michigan, as well as throughout Oakland and Macomb counties. I can work with you to help you understand your gun rights.
June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023 When it comes to guns, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That hasn’t kept some states from enacting restrictions not only on how guns can be sold and transferred, but in many instances, also on the guns themselves—what's allowed and what isn’t. Michigan is one state that is among those who “infringe” as little as possible. When it comes to the sale or transfer of firearms on a personal basis, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recommends that this be done through a Federal Firearm Licensee (FFL) dealer, so the purchaser or transferee must go through a background check. In Michigan, however, rifles and shotguns can change hands by unlicensed individuals with no background check or licensing required. Handguns are different. The purchaser must obtain a handgun purchase license or already possess a concealed carry license (CCL), both of which require background checks. If you have questions or concerns about the private sale or transfer of firearms in or around Troy, Michigan, contact me at Redmond Law Group. I have been representing Michigan clients for more than 15 years , and I will zealously protect your rights to own and bear arms or to sell or transfer them. I also proudly serve clients throughout both Macomb and Oakland counties.
May 2, 2023
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March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023 Starting a business is the dream of many people in the United States, the “land of opportunity.” According to the Commerce Institute, five million businesses were started in 2022. More than one million new businesses were formed in each quarter of the year. Though many living among us or even living abroad want to own businesses here, misconceptions about business formation abound, and can slow the start-up process and make it difficult to move forward. If you’re looking to start and operate a business in Troy or anywhere else in Michigan, including Oakland or Macomb counties, contact me at Redmond Law Group. As a business law attorney, I’m ready to guide you through every step of the business formation process. Set up a consultation today.
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